Chemical space, the conceptual universe of all possible molecules and chemical compounds, offers an immense and largely unexplored landscape filled with potential for scientific discovery and innovation. This workshop aims to delve into the intricacies of chemical space, defined by the diverse structural, functional, and physicochemical properties of molecules, with a specific focus on using DataWarrior as an analytical tool. Participants will explore the vast multidimensional space where a small fraction has been experimentally and computationally characterized, while most remain theoretical.

Key discussions will focus on the combinatorial complexity of molecular building blocks, the critical role of chemical space in drug discovery, material science, and other fields, and the innovative tools and methods used to navigate and map this space. Through interactive sessions, participants will gain hands-on experience with DataWarrior, a powerful cheminformatics software designed for visualizing, analyzing, and exploring chemical data. They will learn how to use DataWarrior for tasks such as structure-activity relationship (SAR) analysis, property predictions, and molecular diversity assessments.

By leveraging DataWarrior’s capabilities, attendees will enhance their ability to predict molecular properties, activities, and synthetic feasibility. This workshop provides a platform for researchers, scientists, and industry professionals to uncover the potential of chemical space, fostering advancements and new frontiers in various scientific and industrial domains.